24-7 Hot Line! 714-532-2780 | Office: 714-532-2787
[email protected]
About Us | Domestic Violence | Event & News | Donations | 한국어
Home on the Green Pastures was found in July 1993 as a Christian non-profit organization. Our mission is to provide lasting healing by sharing God’s grace to women and children suffering from domestic violence. In addition to providing shelter, food and other material needs, we strive to empower victims by offering variety of services and counseling for the treatment and resolution of emotional, social and legal consequences of Domestic Violence.
Our primary program areas
Emergency Shelter
Our ministry with the victims begins with a phone call to our office or our 24hr
emergency hot-line. We listen, assess and react to guide them to immediate safety and then to our shelter where they will receive housing, food, clothing and other necessities required for daily living.
Life Skills
Life at HOGP shelter is busy. Clients and staff start their day with morning quiet
time where they spend few minutes praying and reading. Clients have daily
chores required for independent and communal living such as cooking, cleaning and laundry. They are required to attend our weekly classes on DV Awareness, Parenting, Anger, Stress, Money & Time Management and New Life Healing Ministry.
Case Management
Clients are assigned a case manager who will guide them through available
social benefits such as WIC, Cal Grants, Medi-care. Psychological services and
resources for vocational training are also available to them.
Prevention & Outreach
Community education is crucial to breaking the cycle of domestic violence. Our Prevention & Outreach program works with local community groups to educate the public and reach silent victims, mainly children, to engage and seek help for themselves and their family.

Our mission is to provide shelter, food and clothing in Jesus’ name…
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Newsletter highlights & photo gallery
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Through the generosity of many people just like you, HOGP is able to provide services to hundreds of mothers and their children who have come to…
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“I will feed My flock and I will lead them to rest,” declares the Lord God. “I will seek the lost, bring back the scattered, bind up the broken, and strengthen the sick.”
(EZEKIEL 34:15-16, NASB)
24hr Emergency Line 1.714.532.2780
Office 714-532-2787
PLEASE CALL OR EMAIL: [email protected]

P.O. Box 1755 Tustin, CA 92781
[email protected]