Words from a Volunteer

봉사자 훈련 교육 참가 후기

가정 폭력으로 정신적, 또 신체적으로 고통 당하는 여성들을 도우는 기관에서 봉사할 수 있는게 참으로 보람되고 좋은 일인것 같아서
트레닝에 참석 했는데, 생각보다 심각한 걸 알고 참 같은 여자로써 마음이 아프고 이분들이 얼마나 힘들까 생각을 많이 하게 되었어요.
제가 뭐 조금이라도 도움이 되었으면 하는 바람으로 이분들을 위해 봉사하게 된것을 감사하게 생각하고 앞으로 열심히 해야 겠습니다.

이곳에서 봉사하고 계시는 분들이나 스태프분들 정말 사랑으로 열심히 일하신걸 보고도 전도받고
이런 기관이 있는게 참으로 감사하고 앞으로도 계속 잘 운영되어 많은 피해 여성분들께 도움을 줄 수 있었으면 좋겠습니다.

The victims of domestic violence training was very educational and informative, as a volunteer it was crucial for me to truly understand the victims and the circumstances they are facing to further help them. Before training I was not aware of the serious impact domestic violence had not only on the victims, but on their family members and mostly their children. Prior to training I thought physical abuse was worse than psychological, but I learned how the scars of emotional abuse run deep and can be just as detrimental as physical abuse. Regardless of physical or psychological abuse, the pain of these victims is destructive. I was appalled by the gruesome pictures of victims of domestic violence, and I can only imagine the horror children must have felt witnessing these crimes and carrying the burden throughout their life. It is an honor to be a part of this organization with many volunteers and staff members that are dedicated to improve the lives of these victims. I am thankful for HOGP as I will continue to support this organization as it grows bigger to change more lives.

Thank you,

Ellen Baek

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